Events proudly brought to you by VietTESOL Association

(Aug and Sep 2024) TeachingEnglish - Free training courses by British Council, facilitated by VietTESOL


? VietTESOL is delighted to announce that we will be facilitating TeachingEnglish - a series of free facilitated teacher training courses from June to December 2024, in collaboration with British Council Vietnam!

✨ Please see below for details about upcoming courses in June:

1. Key digital skills

2. How to teach writing

3. Helping teachers to learn

4. Gender in language education

5. TeachingEnglish: Inclusive classroom

6. Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners


✨Participants will have valuable opportunities to engage in discussions on the course modules during monthly Online Meetings.

✨A Zalo group providing 24/7 technical support.

✨Participants  will be awarded “a completion certificate” from British Council upon successful completion of the course(s).

Event Information

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 01-10-2024
Cut Off Date 01-10-2024
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 259
Individual Price Free

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